EU Dual-Use Legislation Inventory
This is the ESU inventory of the relevant legislation of the EU and its Member States on dual-use items.
In addition to the EU Dual-Use Regulation and the updated EU Dual-Use Control List, the inventory contains the relevant dual-use legislation of the 27 EU Member States.
For each Member State Competent Authority, the Inventory provides its official dual-use webpage and the relevant national legislation which is accessible either via the original external link (to allow users, if necessary, to translate the webpage content more easily, for example via their browser’s automatic translation with due regard to its caveats) or via the downloaded pdf that ensures its permanent storage.
Other documents relating to dual-use are available on the official website of the European Commission “ Exporting dual-use items”.

Legal references
Regulation (EU) 2021/821 setting up a Union regime for the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items (recast)
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/2547 of 5 September 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the list of dual-use items
Information on measures adopted by Member States in conformity with Articles 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 22 and 23 – (Information Note 2022/C 66/04)
Last updated : 04/02/2025

National legal references
Foreign trade act 2011
First Foreign Trade Regulation 2011
Second Foreign Trade Regulation 2019
Last updated : 09/11/2023

Official dual-use webpages :
Walloon Region
flemish Region
Legal references – Walloon region
The Walloon Government Order of February 6, 2014 regulating the export, transit and transfer of dual-use goods and technologies (AGW of 6/2/2014)
Law of 11/9/1962 relating to the import, export and transit of goods and related technology Belgian Official Gazette , 10/27/1962, number 1962091103, page 949
Legal references – Flemish region
Ministerial Decree of 28 September 2000 regulating the transit of dual-use items and technology
Ministerial Decree of 28 September 2000 regulating exports of dual-use items and technology
Government Decree of 14 March 2014 regulating export, transit and transfer of dual-use items and the delivery of technical assistance (Belgian Official Gazette of 2 May 2014)
Last updated : 08/11/2023

National legal references
Defence-Related Products and Dual-Use Items and Technologies Export Control Act
List of specially empowered customs post and offices for defence-related products and dual-use items and technologies
Last updated : 08/11/2023

National legal references
Law on supervision of dual-use goods (Official Gazette, No. 83/2023)
Ordinance on application forms for dual-use goods (Official Gazette, No. 11/2022)
Ordinance on the application form for issuance of international import certificates, end-use certificates and acknowledgements of receipt of dual-use items (Official Gazette, No. 44/14, 20/17, 11/22)
Last updated : 09/11/2023

National legal references
Law 1(I)/2011 – The Law on the Import and Export of Controlled Items and the Conduct of Controlled Activities
Regulations 528/2021 – On Controlled Items and Activities (Dual-Use Items)
Last updated : 09/11/2023

National legal references
Act No. 594/2004 Coll implementing the European Communities regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods and technologies
Government Regulation No. 30/2023 of 25 January 2023 implementing certain provisions of Act No. 594/2004 Coll.
Council Joint Action (2000/401/CFSP) of 22 June 2000 on the control of technical assistance relating to certain military end-uses (§ 12 Provision of technical assistance)
Last updated : 08/11/2023

National legal references
Legislative Decree No. 635 of 9 June 2011 on the application of certain of the European Union’s legal acts on economic relations with third countries, etc. (Export Control Act).
Legislative Decree No. 1732 of 1 December 2020 on amendments to the Export Control Act – addition regarding control visit.
Ministry of Trade and Industry executive order no. 712 of 5 July 2019 on control of the export, etc. of products and technology with dual use (“dual-use”) and control of the provision of technical assistance (the export order).
Executive order no. 1022 of 4 November 2011 on declarations, checks, inspections, etc. pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, as well as an amendment to this order.
Executive order no. 505 of 20 April 2020 on the order amending the order on declarations, controls, inspections, etc. pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Last updated : 07/11/2023

National legal references
Strategic Goods AcT
List of strategic goods adopted on 22.12.2011 No. 171
Procedure for customs formalities and customs notification of strategic goods for forwarding within the European Union and transporting weapons by ai
Last updated : 08/11/2023

National legal references
Act on export control of dual-use products 26.7.1996/562
Last updated : 09/11/2023

National legal references
Decree No. 2001-1192 of 13 December 2001, as amended, on the control of exports, imports and transfers of dual-use items and technology
Order of July 31, 2014 relating to exports of tear gas and riot control agents to third countries.
Decree No. 2020-1481 of November 30, 2020 establishing a national measure authorized by paragraph 3 of Article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 of May 5, 2009 establishing a Community regime for the control of exports and transfers , brokerage and transit of dual-use goods.
Order of 31 July 2014 relating to the general licence “Exhibitions and Exhibitions”, “Exports and transfers within the European Union of dual-use items imported for the holding of trade fairs and exhibitions under the customs procedure of temporary admission”
Order of 14 January 2019 on the General Licence “Aeronautical Equipment”, “Exports of Dual-Use Items for the Repair of Civil Aircraft”
National measures adopted in application of article 9 of the EU Dual-Use Regulation
Order of 2 February 2024 on exports to third countries of goods and technologies associated with the quantum computer and its enabling technologies and equipment for the design, development, production, testing and inspection of advanced electronic components
Last updated : 15/02/2024

National legal references
Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance
Foreign Trade and Payments act (AWV)
Last updated : 08/11/2023

National legal references
Last updated : 08/11/2023

National legal references
The Government Decree No 13/2011 (II.22.) on the Control of Dual-Use Items
144/2011. (VII. 27.) Government decree
Last updated : 09/11/2023

National legal references
Control of Exports Act 2008
S.I. No. 454/2019 – Control of Exports (Dual Use Items) (Amendment) Order 2019
SI No 457 of 2018 Control of Exports (Appeals) Regulations 2018
SI No 356 of 2018 Control of Exports (Brokering Activities, Goods and Technology) Order 2018
Last updated : 08/11/2023
National legal references
Legislative Decree of 15 December 2017 n. 221 , implementing the delegation to the Government referred to in art.7 of law 12 August 2016, n.170 for the adaptation of national legislation to the provisions of European legislation for the purposes of reorganization and simplification of export authorization procedures of dual-use products and technologies and the application of sanctions relating to trade embargoes, as well as for any type of export operation of proliferating materials
Ministerial decree of 4 August 2003 , regulating national general authorisations
Circular no. 79932 of 29 March 2012 on national general authorisations
Circular no. 79931 of 29 March 2012 on general authorizations of the European Union
Last updated : 15/11/2023

National legal references
Law on the Circulation of Goods of Strategic Significance
Regulations on the state fee for issuing expert’s report of strategic goods, confirmation of final use, import certificate, supply control certificate and license for movement, export, import and transit of goods of strategic importance
The procedure for issuing or refusing to issue licenses for goods of strategic importance and other documents related to the circulation of goods of strategic importance
Last updated : 09/11/2023

National legal references
LAW ON THE CONTROL OF STRATEGIC GOODS 5 April 1995 No I-1022 (As amended on 6 April 2006 – No X-545)
Law Amending the Law on the Control of the Strategic Goods 11 October 2011 No XI-1616
Licensing rules for export, import, transit, brokerage and shipment of strategic goods in the European Union, rules for execution of control of strategic goods and rules for issuing certificates to companies producing military equipment, approved by the Government in 2004. July 22 by resolution no. 932 (Zin., 2004, No. 115-430, 2012, No. 64-3229)
Amending Resolution No 932 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 22 July 2004 on the approval of the licensing rules for export, import transit and brokering of strategic goods and the Rules on the Implementation of Control of Strategic Goods No 617, 29 May 2012
National measures adopted in application of article 9 of the EU Dual-Use Regulation
Resolution No. 512 of 28 June 2023, ‘On the Application of National Control Measures Pursuant to Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and Council (amended by Resolution No. 888 of 15 November 2023)
Last updated : 15/02/2024

National legal references
Amended law of June 27, 2018
Grand-ducal regulation of December 14, 2018 implementing the law of June 27, 2018 relating to export control and amending the grand-ducal regulation of April 2, 1993 relating to the execution of acts emanating from the competent institutions of the European Communities relating to the matter agricultural
Last updated : 09/11/2023
National legal references
Last updated : 09/11/2023

National legal references
Strategic Goods Decree (Bsg)
Strategic Services Act
Strategic Services Implementation Regulations
National measures adopted in application of article 9 of the EU Dual-Use Regulation
Regulation of the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of 23 June 2023, no. MinBuza.2023.15246-27 introducing a license obligation for the export of advanced production equipment for semiconductors that are not mentioned in Annex I of Regulation 2021/821 (Regulation on advanced production equipment for semiconductors), with entry into force on 1 September 2023
Last updated : 15/02/2024

National legal references
Act of November 29, 2000 on foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for state security, as well as for maintaining international peace and security, i.e. Journal of Laws Laws of 2022, item 1666
Regulation of the Prime Minister of May 8, 2014 on the template for notification of the intention to import or intra-EU transfer of dual-use items used in telecommunications or for information protection, Journal of Laws Laws of May 16, 2014, item 623
Regulation of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of April 3, 2018 on the scope of information provided to the trade control authority by an entity trading in strategically important goods under general permits, Journal of Laws Laws of April 18, 2018, item 747
Regulation of the Minister of Economy of January 25, 2011 on the template of authorization to control trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for state security, as well as for maintaining international peace and security, Journal of Laws No. 33, item 163
Regulation of the Minister of Development of October 1, 2020 on the records of trade in goods of strategic importance, Journal of Laws 2020 item 1743
Last updated : 09/11/2023