XI Meeting of the Chaudfontaine group
From 12 to 14 December 2021, the XI Meeting of the Chaudfontaine group took place in Ovifat, (Belgium). Experts from academia, industry and public authorities, both European and national (licensing & customs authorities, EU Commission), working on dual-use items trade control came together to discuss on the following topic:
“How could the new EU Dual-Use Regulation benefit third countries?”
In the wake of the coming into effect of the new EU Regulation 2021/821, the Chaudfontaine Group took the occasion to scan and dissect the complex EU dual-use export control regime in order to distinguish/identify the elements which could be useful to third countries and, conversely, those which are not as their raison d’être is linked to the internal functioning of the EU.
With a view toward the EU P2P export control programme for dual-use goods programme activities, the discussed provisions of the Recast have been organised as it follows:
- Transposable (Reproductible via adaptations in accordance with national specificities);
- Inspiring (Defining principles: reproductible via adaptations of the national control systems);
- Inadequate (but it might be relevant);
The implementation of the resulting recommendations should however take into account the level of development of the national control system of the country considered.
The outcome of the XI Meeting of the Chaudfontaine group will soon be published.

One response
Congrats!!! I am so glad that the Meeting took place in person
I am looking forward to reading the outcomes and attend next year