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On 5 June 2019, EU ambassadors agreed the Council’s negotiating position on a proposed recast of the regulation setting up a regime for the controls of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items.
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Regulation (EU) 2019/880 of the European Parliament and of the Council Of 17 April 2019on the introduction and the import of cultural goods has been published on the official Journal of the European Union (OJ L 151/1 of 7/06/19) and it will enter into force on the twentieth day following the publication on the OJ
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The annexed table sums up legislation in force in Belgium for the following categories of controlled items :Conventional weapons; Dual-use goods and technologies; Goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degradating treatement or punishment.
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On 24/25 April, a small group of government officials, academics, and industry practitioners were invited by the University of Liège and King’s College London to debate the implications of Brexit on strategic trade controls. The workshop was conducted under Chatham House rules with participation in private capacities.
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Following the draft report containing amendments proposed by the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade – INTA (rapporteur MEP Klaus Buchner) to the EU dual-use Regulation Recast, the EP’s Committee on Foreign Affairs – AFET (rapporteur MEP Marietjie Schaake) delivered its own draft opinion.
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L’Union européenne : entre une union des États ou la création d’un État, il est temps de décider